Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Chenna (Indian Cheese)

This is from Sundays at Moosewood Restaurant, page 297. It can be used in savory dishes or desserts.

Yield: 1 1/2 cups

2 quarts whole milk
3-4 Tbsp strained, fresh lemon juice

In a large, heavy saucepan, bring the milk to a rolling boil, stirring often to prevent sticking. Remove from the heat and stir in 3 Tbsp of lemon juice. Return the pan to low heat and stir gently until white curds separate from the yellowish whey. If this doesn't happen within 15 or 20 seconds, add an additional Tbsp of lemon juice.

Pour the curds into a strainer or colander lined with a piece of thin, damp cloth or several thicknesses of cheese cloth. Let it drain until cool enough to handle, then gather up the cloth and squeeze out any remaining liquid. Now you have chenna.

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